5 Ways for Artists to Live Life Abundantly

2022! Whew! The past two years have felt like quite the roller coaster for so many of us. I don’t know about you, but I’m looking forward to the clean slate the new year has given us. New year, new ideas, new ways of looking at things.

The ways in which we view our lives are the ways in which we live our lives. I’m a big believer that if I were to live each day with a "glass half empty" point of view, every action and interaction would be framed in negativity, and what I may be missing out on. I choose the glass half full perspective! Our mindsets dictate how we perceive, and therefore how we live, every single day. 

If I were to tell you to attempt to live life with an "abundance" mindset, what first comes to mind? 

Leading with an abundance mindset means taking the "blinders" off, opening your world view, saying "yes" to opportunity, and embracing the opportunity each day brings. Rather than living life from a "scarce" point of view, moving through each day with a set routine and neglecting possibilities, an abundant approach to the world allows you to live your life (and therefore explore your creativity!) to the fullest!

Journalist Angelina Zimmerman highlights several thought patterns of those who operate out of abundance: thinking big, believing there are endless possibilities, feeling joy for the accomplishments of others, embracing change, being proactive, learning as a perpetual student, and focusing on "what is WORKING" versus what is not. Though she addresses these in the broader sense of day-to-day life, these points are directly applicable to becoming a better artist! 

1. Thinking BIG! 

As artists, we have to aim big and approach things creatively. If I were to think small and over-analyze every detail, versus believing in myself and striving to create courageous and bold art, I would never finish a painting! Every brush stroke is a "risk" of sorts; we have to shoot for the stars, take a deep breath, and not retreat when things get scary. Every artist has to "think big" to finish a painting! 

2. Believing there are endless possibilities 

What would you attempt if you knew you could not fail? There are so many opportunities to succeed in a variety of different ways; you are limitless! I love embracing the mindset that "there are endless opportunities," because it's true. If you pick up a paintbrush and don't like your end result, there's an opportunity to start again tomorrow! If you've always wanted to be a painter, but fell into other routines, you STILL have the possibility of having a career as an artist (take it 

from me: I HAVE!). Dream big! 

3. Feeling joy for the accomplishments of others 

Comparison is the theft of joy. Just because someone else has done a beautiful piece of art or receives compliments or recognitions does not make your work any less valid. Celebrate and lift others up! You'll find far more happiness, as well as a joyful community around you! 

4. Embracing Change 

Change isn't always easy, but it can give way to some beautiful opportunities. Whether that means embracing a new painting style, trying a new art workshop, or just riding the tide of life wherever it takes you, use the changes - big and small - as opportunities for growth and inspiration! 

5. Being Proactive 

You don't have to wait for things to happen to you; you can MAKE them happen! If you're struggling with a particular element of your artistic journey or painting technique, take ACTION! You can sign up for a workshop or dedicate time to practicing. If you've been dying to get your art seen, create an art Instagram account or talk to a local gallery! Materialize your goals into realities! 

6.     Learning as a Perpetual Student

There is ALWAYS more to learn. Even the most seasoned artists still take classes and workshops to open their minds to new techniques and styles. There is no cap on how much we can grow or how much knowledge and inspiration we can take in. Why not continue to study our passions for our entire lives?!

7.     Focus on “what is working.”

Be a visionary and embrace the endless possibilities; so many things are working for you, and you can do anything you set your mind to. Don’t dwell on small “failures,” if you don’t like the way a painting turned out, for example. Concentrate on the things that are working: you’re being creative, there are beautiful pieces of your work, you’re improving, and you are doing great! Embrace all the things you are doing right! 

Your Abundance Mindset

Living life with an abundance mindset is an excellent way to operate, both in general life and in our painting journeys! Embrace these pillars together this week, and create the joy we want to see in this world! I’d love to know which one resonates with you the most; tell me in the comments.

Free 2022 Artists Planning Guide

I want to share my method with you so you can reach your art goals in 2022! I’ve created a free resource just for you: The Caryl Fine Art 2022 SMART Planning Guide! Download this guide and then get planning!


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